Training to Win: Mutli-race ticket construction with James Scully [VIDEO]

(Photo by EquiPhoto)
When it comes to multi-race bets, also known as horizontal wagers, good ticket construction involves budget and strategy.
Multi-Race Ticket Construction
Multi-race wagers tend to require a larger investment and horse players need to allocate funds accordingly by setting a budget. Bettors also must determine whether to play single, or multiple tickets, in the multi-race sequence.
Here are a few tips to assist in multi-race ticket construction.
Tip number 1 - Leverage your strongest opinions
Successful horse players bet with confidence, they take a stand when possible, and singling a horse in a multi-race sequence allows you to do the same.
Identifying a horse, or horses, with the highest probability of winning in a multi-race sequence provides the opportunity to leverage your opinion.
Build ticket combinations around the single, utilizing multiple horses in other races where you lack the same conviction.
Even if you fail to locate a single, taking a narrow stand in at least one leg of a multi-race sequence serves as an effective strategy for betting smarter.
Tip number 2 – Fade vulnerable short-priced horses
Favorites win at approximately a 35-40% rate as most tracks, they lose more than half the races every racing day based upon percentages. Identifying vulnerable favorites carries value for multi-race ticket construction.
Smaller players are often afraid to leave out favorites, they play it safe by including them. Smart bettors try to avoid overbet combinations, they don’t play it safe.
You don’t have to try to beat every favorite, you can make a solid return by utilizing the correct short-priced horses, but don’t save with vulnerable favorites in multi-race sequences.
Take a stand by leaving them off your tickets, the cost-effective strategy allows for more options in other legs of the wager.
Utilizing the suggestions just outlined, experiment with different strategies to find the best approach for you.
Start with building single multi-race tickets. And incorporate multiple tickets into the process in order to leverage opinions in different races.
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